Product DescriptionCarboxy-PTIO is a stable, water-soluble organic radical that reacts with NO to form NO2· This reaction can be monitored by electron spin resonance (ESR). NO is an unstable molecule and has a complex reaction cascade for its metabolism in biological systems. Rapidly generated NO-related metabolites carry out various physiological activities. Commonly used NO scavengers such as hemoglobin trap NO; they also trap NOS inhibitors such as arginine derivatives. These NO scavengers also quench all other NO-related metabolites at the same time. In contrast, Carboxy-PTIO does not dramatically affect other NO-related product systems because it transforms NO to NO2, which is a metabolite of NO. Thus, Carboxy-PTIO can be used to investigate the effects of NO separately from its downstream metabolites. Dr. Akaike and others showed that Carboxy-PTIO suppresses relaxation of the rat aorta ring, which is induced by acetylcholine, twice as effectively as NG-nitroarginine. Dr. Yoshida and others reported that downstream metabolites of NO, generated by treatment with Carboxy-PTIO, have an increased antiviral activity compared to NO alone. The NO metabolites play important roles in biological systems; therefore, they should be investigated separately from NO.
Reaction of NO quenching

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